About the Content Disclosure Compendium

You've probably heard of , a website that compiles trigger warnings for books, shows, movies, etc. But after a discussion with one of my professors, we felt that, while it's important to make content disclosures accessible to those that need them, sometimes they also spoil the show for others. Some theatres (I'm in the theatre industry so that's what I know) allow people to call ahead or ask staff about content disclosures, but don't print them on programs, and I think that's a good idea. This is my way of doing that online, so people can find them without human interaction.

Other resources:

Here's a list of the triggers/warnings I've catalogued so far. The list is ever-changing so I apologize if it's not up to date! If anything, this list will probably be updated last, so a warning might be listed separately that I forgot to write here.